Goal: Add image + area annotations to global annotation stores
a) Add area annotations [AA] for PDFs to Hypothesis
b) Help Zotero users share their AAs to Hypothesis
c) Make library that works w/ new tools (e.g.: stencila, anot8)
d) Integrate simple document clustering (URLs; DOIs; fatcat=unpaywall+IA+)
Following the Zotero design in Zotero 6
1. Add AA to Hypothesis’s pdf reader
show both AA and text annotations together
Have clients other than Z.6 pdf-reader done this? files.zotero.net
2. Add “publish to Hypothes.is:” to Z-reader
add Hyp fingerprinting to Zotero; use Hyp API call to publish
could be a Z plugin
3. Support global sharing
Support AAs in Hypothesis + other Open Annotation repositories
Check that ‘default public’ annotations and fingerprint sharing work,
for PDFs served locally or by other sites (may need clustering to work well)
6 months focused time by an annotation maven w/ js + pdf experience
Support network w/ Zotero + Hypothesis experts (API quirks, formulating designs as PRs or plugins, getting design review)
Notes of support: Dan Whaley ✓ (Hyp), (Zot)
Add Zotero plugin for this:
Implement 2. above if hard to fit into core
“find Hypothes.is notes” in Z-reader
Related past projects:
pdf.js-hypothes.is (2015) and chrome extension
Zotero users asking for various features
asking for a web annotation tool matching the pdf-reader
inviting general integration w/ other notetaking tools (w/ long context)
Document clustering as a service
fatcat.wiki and other sources of “document clusters” (sets of URLs and content hashes that are versions of the same doc), for aggregating notes
Getting annotations from a parent via Zotero API
Text annotations for PDFs w/ hypothesis
anot8.org tutorial?